Overcoming Exam and Performance Anxiety
It’s normal to feel a little anxious before a test, but if the anxiety gets out of hand, it can be debilitating. No one wants to perform poorly just because their nerves got the best of them. But exam and performance anxiety can stop you from concentrating and make you physically uncomfortable. From a racing heartbeat to nausea, exam anxiety can cause trigger physiological changes in your body that impact your performance. Here are some quick tips on how to overcome exam anxiety: 1. Sleep Well Contrary to what many young people think, you shouldn’t be cramming the night before your exam; it’s horrible for your anxiety. You need at least 6–8 hours of sleep before the exam, so your body and mind aren’t exhausted, and so you can concentrate. 2. Have a Positive Attitude When you walk into an exam that’s going to have a major impact on your life, it’s tough to maintain a positive attitude; but letting your negative inner voice take control of your mind isn’t going to do