Little Known Facts about the FDNY

New York City’s Fire Department is wholly viewed in a positive light. The firefighters are considered New York’s bravest, providing one of the most essential government services. Firefighting is a risky occupation, so firefighters typically receive lots of community support and praise.

However, apart from recognizing how important and difficult their jobs are, many people don’t know too much about the FDNY. In fact, people may also not fully comprehend how difficult their jobs are or how much training goes into becoming a firefighter. Here are some lesser-known facts about the FDNY.


Origin: You can trace the origin of the FDNY to 1648. This was the year that firefighting was officially organized in New York after New Amsterdam (a Dutch settlement) adopted the first Fire Ordinance.

Employment: Despite organized firefighting beginning in 1648, it wasn’t until 1865 that firefighting became a paid job. In 1865, a state act abolished the volunteer fire department and replaced it with the Metropolitan Fire Department.

Equipment: The FDNY had humble beginnings, with their starting equipment consisting of a horse-drawn steam-powered pumper.

Scope: At present, the FDNY employs over 11,000 firefighters, who are tasked with protecting over 8,000,000 citizens.


Common Fire-Types: The most common kinds of fire in NYC are fires caused by smoking, cooking, and faulty electrical systems.

Risks of Firefighting: Fires are produced by the interaction of heat, fuel, and oxygen. The result emits heat, toxic fumes, and thick, black smoke. The toxic fumes include carbon monoxide, formaldehyde, and hydrogen cyanide. They also suck up all the oxygen in the room. All of these are fatal risks that firefighters have to face. The most common causes of death by fire are the smoke, toxic fumes, and lack of oxygen.

 Fire Prevention: The FDNY spread awareness regarding fire prevention throughout the year. They also hold events during the fire prevention week.


Gear Weight: Firefighters are typically trained to move with weight since their equipment can easily clock in at over 50 pounds.

Firefighter Mentorship Program: People can enroll in the program after being invited to sit for the exam.

Training Manuals: People who’re on the fence about joining the FDNY can consult their training manuals to learn more about the demands and benefits of the job.

If you need help preparing for the firefighter exam in New York City, get in touch with Civil Service Success. They provide NYC firefighter preparation classes, as well as preparation for other civil service exams


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